Monday, February 24, 2020

Chapter 39 - Overcoming jealousy

Freedom from Captivity 

Chapter 39 

Overcoming Jealousy 

We read in Hebrews 13:5, Don't love money. Be happy with what you have because God has said, "I will never abandon you or leave you." (GW)

One of the crucial emotions that a majority of people struggle with, is that of jealousy, though many feel uncomfortable to accept this fact. If we can understand on the basis of God’s word, as to how we can deal with this strong emotion called jealousy, and conquer it, we will for sure experience tremendous changes in our lives.

Envied by Society

The Philistines were jealous of Isaac

We read in Genesis 26:14, “Because he owned so many flocks, herds, and servants, the Philistines became jealous of him.” (GW)
When the Philistines saw Isaac flourishing, and observed that he owned numerous flocks, herds and servants, they became envious of him. These Philistines were not paupers, but had more than enough, however, when they observed the bounteous blessings on Isaac, their hearts were filled with jealousy.

Have you noticed how, often we too have more than enough, there is no real need in our lives and yet when there is someone doing a little better than us, we are often gripped with this feeling of envy. In our culture they generally refer tojealousy, as someone casting the envious or evil eye on someone else’s thing or property. You may have seen someone building a beautiful house, who will place a scarecrow like figure with a pot on its head for all to see, intending to ward off the evil eye of others, as they believe that the eye of envy, would have ill effects on their building plans.

It is a fact that the human nature is such that we never compare ourselves with someone who is doing not so well, but always with those who are doing far better than us. When we entertain such thoughts, we miss out on the blessings that are ours, and are filled instead with feeling of envy. No one can say I am exempt from this feeling of jealousy, because the heart of man is such that, when he considers others who are excelling in any way, his natural reaction, is to be overwhelmed with this sense of jealousy.

The secret for Isaac’s prosperity

We read in Genesis 26:12, “Isaac sowed crops in that land, and that year he harvested a hundred times as much as he had sown, because the LORD blessed him.” (GNB)

When Isaac sowed crops in the land, a land stricken with famine, he harvested a hundred times what he had sown, simply because the Lord blessed him immensely. The Philistines failed to realize that if they too worshipped the living God, and lived in obedience to Him, they too would have been blessed like Isaac.

The word of God promises that, “the blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22 (ESV) It is vital that we truly desire the blessings that come from the Lord, and are satisfied with them, instead of comparing ourselves with those who are faring better than us. Jealousy is a dangerous emotion that we must be cautious about. Once jealousy takes hold, all that we possess will seem trivial, and everything that others have will seem colossal. It will rid us of the peace and joy that we could otherwise enjoy.

The ramifications of jealousy

We read in Proverbs 14:30,“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.”(ESV)

One of the translations says jealousy is like bone cancer, as it corrodes into the bones of a person. It is the bones that give shape to our bodies, and if the bones are not in place, we will become shapeless. That’s exactly what jealousy can do to us, it can deform our lives. However, a tranquil heart says Proverbs 14:30 will give life to the flesh. A tranquil heart refers to someone who is leading a peaceful, and normal life. While a serene person is able to discern between good and bad, a person ruled by envy has the soundness of his mind destroyed.

If we are compelled with feeling of envy, we must sincerely seek the Lord’s help, to get rid of it, and replace it with a heart of contentment. Let me give you an example from our everyday life. A family has a good television set, and are quite happy with is. One day they notice that their neighbor has bought a bigger, and better television set than the one they own. All of a sudden, the TV that they enjoyed in their home for so long, looks paltry. When envy takes control, it also does not want the other person to enjoy what they have been blessed with, but strangely seeks its ruin.

The Philistines destroy all wells  - Jealousy incites people to do wrong

We read in Genesis 26:15,“So they filled in all the wells which the servants of his father Abraham had dug while Abraham was alive.” (GNB)

The Philistines were so envious of the way Isaac was abounding that they decided, to hamper his progress. Isaac’s father Abraham had dug many wells in his time, to water the flock and his fields which Isaac also enjoyed. The Philistines who did not comprehend that God was the reason for Isaac’s expansion, decided to stop all the wells by packing them with sand. One can imagine how long it must have taken to dig a well, and yet without a thought the Philistines were ready to block all of them. The Philistines who were overcome with envy, destroyed all the wells that had taken so many years to build.

The Philistines first saw Isaac’s blessings, they thought about it, spoke about it and acted on it which resulted in destruction. The one who called us is faithful, the very wells that the Philistines stopped, the Lord enabled Isaac to revive, rename and use all of them later on.

When our hearts are filled with jealousy, we are in danger of being those who will devastate all the good that others have worked hard to build.

Jealousy is a process, and we must take care to uproot it, before it takes control of us. Jealousy does not allow us to rejoice when someone else is teeming with God’s blessings, but rather conspires for their down fall. We should therefore also not be surprised, worry or fear if we are the targets of people’s envy, when the Lord is with us, and blesses us.

When we encounter situations of lack or want, and our needs seem huge we can rest in the assurance that the Lord is with us, and He can do the impossible. When faced with those huge needs like the lack of wine at the marriage at Cana, or the lack of food for more than 5000 people, the Lord did the impossible by changing water to wine, and took the five loaves and two fish to feed the thousands who were there.
That is why I began with this wonderful word from Hebrews 13:5 which exhorts us to be content with what we have, for those who are God’s children have the assurance that He will never leave us nor forsake us. We must rid ourselves of the love for money, and rather decide to be happy with what we have, for the Lord has promised to be with us and take care of us.

Jealousy is worse than anger

We read in Proverbs 27:4,“Anger is cruel and destructive, but it is nothing compared to jealousy.” (GNB)

Here the word of God compares anger with jealousy, and the conclusion is that anger is nothing when compared to jealousy. All of us can identify an angry person by their countenance, actions or words, but seldom can we recognize a jealous person. It is something that transpires deep inside a person’s heart, but the peril is that it can outplay itself in ways far worse than anger.

In order to overcome jealousy, we must learn to be content with what we have, for the Lord reassures us that He will always remain with us. We must be reminded that the Lord is always willing to meet our every need, and not our greed.

Envy in the family - Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him

We read in Genesis 37:11,“Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept thinking about the whole matter.” (GNB)

The reason the brothers of Joseph were envious of him, was simply because he was different from all of them. While all his brothers chose to be worldly, Joseph resolved to live a godly life. When they did wrong, he informed his father Jacob, and this greatly displeased his older brothers. Joseph wanted to be faithful to his father, and decided to not ignore the evil deeds, or to be party to it. His brothers therefore hated him, and were completely jealous of Joseph.

We read in Genesis 37:20,“Come on now, let's kill him and throw his body into one of the dry wells. We can say that a wild animal killed him. Then we will see what becomes of his dreams." (GNB)

When jealousy overtook the brothers of Joseph, they lost their serene mind. Joseph had dreams and in one of the dream’s, he was in a field tying sheaves, where his sheaf stood upright, while all other eleven sheaves bowed down to his. When Joseph shared this dream with his brothers, they themselves gave the interpretation for the dream, and questioned Joseph if he thought that he would rule over all of them. Though they were instruments in God’s hand to interpret the dream of Joseph, they were so full of hatred and jealousy that they decided to destroy their own brother.

They began to plot as to how they might kill their own brother, so as to put an end to his dreams. He was not their enemy, or an outsider, but their own flesh and blood but they still schemed to murder him. They threw him into a pit, sold him into slavery, and later hid the facts and lied to their own father. If only the brothers of Joseph, perceived God’s plan and worked in unison by not allowing hatred and jealousy to overrule them, the story might have ended differently. All of them would have been recipients of the blessings that was bestowed on Joseph. The brothers of Joseph unknowns to themselves became instrumental in sending Joseph to Egypt, where God had planned to raise him to the highest position, second only to Pharaoh.

Jealousy is not a harmless emotion as some presume, but has the capacity to turn a person into a murderer and a deceiver. That is why we need to deal with it, and eliminate it from our lives. It does not matter who conspires against us, if the Lord is with us, no man can ever obstruct God’s plan from being fulfilled in our lives. Adversely, every hindrance that is placed as a stumbling block before us, the Lord will use make them stepping stones for our success. If there are those who are discouraged because of opposition and jealousy from any quarter, you can be confident that the Lord will reverse those evil plans, for your own good, just like He did for Joseph.

Envy in the congregation of God - The group that was jealous of Moses and Aaron

We read in Psalm 106:16,“There in the desert they were jealous of Moses and of Aaron, the LORD's holy servant.” (GNB)

The psalmist records this incident from the life of Moses, when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. There was a group of people who were envious of Moses and Aaron.

It is recorded in Numbers 16:3,They assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron and said to them, "You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?" (ESV)

We read in Numbers 16:12,“And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, and they said, "We will not come up.” (ESV)

This entire conspiracy against Moses and Aaron began in the heart of one man Korah, and slowly spread to a group of people. (Numbers 16:1) The ones who came in total submission to Moses and Aaron to experience God’s mighty hand of deliverance from the slavery in Egypt, were now so insolent, so as to refuse to go to meet their leader Moses, when he called for them. This entire plot began with one man’s jealousy, which led to insubordination to the leaders. It was already a formidable task for Moses to handle over six lakh men in the wilderness, and now he was challenged with this group who rose in rebellion against him and Aaron.

We read in Numbers 16:15,“And Moses was very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not respect their offering. I have not taken one donkey from them, and I have not harmed one of them." (ESV)

Moses was so angry with these men, that he took his heartache, and complaint to the Lord Himself for he had been a faithful leader to the people of Israel.

We read in Numbers 16:26,“And he spoke to the congregation, saying, "Depart, please, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you be swept away with all their sins." (ESV)

This was the warning that Moses spoke to the entire congregation that gathered that day. He admonished them that if they were to escape the wrath of God, they were to flee from the tents of the wicked men who conspired against him, and not even touch a thing that belonged to them, lest they too be destroyed along with the rebels. Jealousy of one man led to disobedience and the consequence was that there was a group that joined in this rebellion. The punishment of God was the total destruction and death, of all those who rose in rebellion against God’s chosen leaders.

The feeling of jealousy is not only prevalent in society and family, but can also be found in the congregation of God’s people or the church of God. The church is not immune to this emotion for the church is not perfect, and there is no perfect church. Church is not a building, but the people of God who gather together, and irrespective of where they gather, this is what the word of God calls the church. Within the church of God if jealousy is not dealt with severely, and eradicated from our hearts, it will heap on us numerous sins and cause division. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God, let Him search our hearts, and not entertain even the tiniest of envious thoughts against others.

God searches deep into our hearts, so we must pray fervently that the Lord will give to us, a heart of contentment and satisfaction, instead of jealousy and discontent. It is vital that our hearts are always filled with gratitude for all that the Lord has graciously bestowed on us, and all the evil that He has protected us from. Jealousy is like an infectious disease, it spreads to others, spurs us to covet what is not ours, leading us to unrest and misery. It is not enough to be part of the church, but we must be assured that the Lord is with us, approves of us, and that there is not a hint of jealousy against anyone.

I was counselling a young girl, who was under evil oppression. As I prayed, counselled and spoke to her I discovered that she was distraught that she was short in stature. She was unable to accept this, and so turned her anger towards God, whom she blamed for her situation. Her animosity to God was so intense that she was unable to worship God, hear His word or pray meaningfully, though she went to church. Every time she saw someone taller than her, there were feelings of envy she couldn’t handle. This is a dangerous place to be in, for if our anger is turned against God, there is no way anyone else can help, for we are then the most pathetic people.

Let us be thankful to the Lord for our families, our spouse, our children, our parents, our church, the salvation we received, the forgiveness of sins, and for every blessing we have received from hand of the Lord. Let us not give room for any root of jealousy in our hearts. May we rejoice when others prosper, and be those who bless them from within. The life of Korah and his associates stands as a warning to us to be rid of every feeling of jealousy, that we rather be filled with a heart of gratitude and contentment.

May we be once again be encouraged from the words of Hebrews 13:5, Don't love money. Be happy with what you have because God has said, "I will never abandon you or leave you." (GW)

Br. Dixon

Transcribed by Sis. Esther Collins

You can watch this message in tamil through this link :

Monday, February 17, 2020

Chapter 38 - Overcoming fear

Freedom from Captivity 

Chapter 38 

Overcoming Fear 

We read in Hebrews 2:14-15, “Since then the children are sharers in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the same; that through death he might bring to nought him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver all them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” (RV)

There are many kinds of bondages that people are enslaved to, one of which is the bondage to fear. The primary fear that grips many people is the fear of death, which translates itself into various aspects of their lives. The above mentioned verse in Hebrews speaks about those who all their life are dominated by the fear of death. There are so many who are constantly gripped with this sense of fear, most of which is insubstantial, which is evident in every walk of their lives. The Lord’s will and desire is that anyone who is overcome with this kind of fear, should be liberated to live with the boldness and confidence that the Lord is with them.

When Adam was fearful

The Lord has bestowed us with emotions and one of these is fear. In the bible, this emotion of fear is displayed for the first time in Genesis 3:9-10, But the LORD God called out to the man, "Where are you?" He answered, "I heard you in the garden; I was afraid and hid from you, because I was naked." (GNB)

Adam and Eve were in constant communion, and fellowship with God in the Garden of Eden. But, on that particular day when God came calling out to Adam, he did not come running to God’s beckoning, but was found to be hiding from God. For the first time Adam experienced this emotion of fear, and responded back to God saying, ‘I was afraid and hid from you, because I was naked.’ It was only after Adam disobeyed God’s command that he could not face God, and was filled with fear.

Fear can be defined as a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat. All fears are not valid, and yet many are seized by this strong emotion. For instance, there are those who are fearful of travelling by bus, and from the moment they board the bus, to the time they get off they are gripped with unrest.

In order to overcome this emotion, it would be good to comprehend the source of fear, and also the way it controls us. Here’s another example from our day to day life. Some young people don’t wish to wear helmets as they don’t like their hair style’s to get messed up. What they do therefore, is to carry the helmet in their hand sometimes, without wearing them to cover their head. However, when they spot a traffic cop at a distance, they immediately stop to wear their helmet for fear of being caught and fined. If that same young person, was wearing the helmet as they should, they would pass by the same cop with total confidence, and no fear whatsoever. So we realize that fear usually overtakes us when things are not in order, and we are not adhering to certain rules or principles, as we should in our lives.

Every time we are tempted to do wrong and give in, we may console ourselves with the thought that no one is watching, but every time we sin we become more fearful, and vulnerable as these sins become heavier bondages in our lives. Samson is an example of this kind of behavior; he fell into this trap, when he fell head over heels for Delilah, and if we read the account, every time he revealed something more of himself to Delilah, the ropes that were tied around him became thicker and stronger, until he was finally overtaken by the Philistines.

How the process of death began

We read in Genesis 2:16-17, The LORD God commanded the man. He said, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when you eat from it, you will certainly die."

There were two commands the Lord gave Adam and Eve, one was that they were free to eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden, and the other was that they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God also cautioned them that if they disobeyed, and ate of it, they will certainly die. In spite of the warning Adam and Eve deliberately chose to disobey God, and ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam and Eve did not die immediately that day, but after they sinned they realized that something drastic had happened to them, which prompted them to hide from God’s presence. They realized that their disobedience had severed them from the presence of a holy God, and that they had forfeited the beautiful relationship they enjoyed with Him. Adam and Eve who were so bold in God’s presence before the fall, were suddenly overcome with fear and shame for the first time.

Sin always has consequence

There are those who continue in sin with no remorse whatsoever, only because they are not faced with immediate consequences. What they are unaware is that every time we sin, there are changes that are taking place, maybe not on the outside but in our inner man. Let me give you an example. We may sometimes leave our children at home for an hour or so, and instruct them to study or do their homework. Have you noticed how when we get back, just by observing the way the children welcome us, we can easily make out if they actually did study or not? They will come running confidently if they had obeyed, or would be really hesitant if they were engaged in some other entertainment in our absence. The feeling of guilt on the inside, brings about a change in the countenance, and expression of the child.

Our relationship with God is of utmost importance, and the Holy Spirit who indwells us is a gentle Spirit. That is why, when there is sin and rebellion in our lives, the Holy Spirit of God cannot reside inside of us. When we continue in sin, we miss out on the relationship we have with God though the consequences of it may not be felt immediately.

There is an incident recorded in Mark 11 where Jesus was walking with His disciples, was hungry, and so looked for fruit in a fig tree that was full of leaves. When He found none, Jesus cursed the fig tree saying that no man should eat of its fruit ever again. Initially it appeared like nothing happened, but the next day when the disciples of Jesus came by the same way they noticed that the tree had withered to its roots. Many continue in sin, with the thought that nothing has changed, and so they are safe to carry on the way they are. What they fail to realize is that sin will deteriorate our spiritual life, and will sever the relationship we have with God. We are called to be holy and accountable to God in every area of our lives, our thoughts, words and actions. It is a fact that when our relationship with the Lord is right, our emotions are in order and contrarily when that relationship is severed, we are overtaken by emotions that are detrimental to us. Physicians today surmise that more than 60% of sicknesses that people experience are mostly to do with emotional, and mental instabilities.

The steps that led to death

As long as they were in obedience to God all their emotions were intact, and there was no sickness in their bodies. The first thing that Adam and Eve experienced when they disobeyed God was a spiritual death, when they were severed from their relationship they enjoyed with God. The next thing that was inevitable was physical death.

Let me explain this in a simple way. There are two people who are close friends, they share everything, they understand each other, and they are so well acquainted that they can perceive each other’s thoughts perfectly, even without saying a word. A third person who is observing this friendship is jealous, and subtly comes in to sabotage this friendship by sowing seeds of discord. The result of this interference is that, the two who were such good friends, are no longer comfortable to even talk to each other. Once there is a rift any simple communication is then easily misunderstood or misinterpreted. This goes on for a while, until they choose to separate from each other, and go their own way. This can even happen between husband and wife. That is why it is vital that when there are issues in marriage, we must learn to take it together to the Lord, and not involve a third party who often causes further division.

This is what happened in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were in perfect communion with God, they gave room for the serpent, who created a doubt in Eve’s mind. Their disobedience resulted first in their spiritual death. Their emotions were now in turmoil, they were distressed, and therefore hid in fear.

We read in Genesis 3:24, So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubim, and the flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way to the tree of life. (BBE)

The same God who had created man in His own image, with beauty and perfection had to drive him out of the Garden of Eden. Man was now separated from the God who was the very source of his life. Satan subtly entered in and caused the division with God and among God’s people. Adam and Eve were now physically cast away from the presence of God, which also led to physical death. That is why Hebrews 2:14-15 refers to Satan as the one who has power over death.

Jesus now holds authority over death

All praise and glory be to God, because of what we read in Revelation 1:18, And I was dead, and see, I am living forever, and I have the keys of death and of Hell. (BBE)

Here are the words of assurance that Jesus gives us that though He died, He is now alive forever and has the keys of death and hell in His hands. The power of death that was in the hands of the devil, is now in the hands of Jesus who died, and rose victorious from the grave. The keys refer to the authority that is placed in the hands of Jesus.

If we can comprehend the process by which this authority over death and hell came in to the hands of Jesus, we will be freed from the fear of death in our lives.

Jesus took on human form

We read in Hebrews 2:14, “Since all of these sons and daughters have flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood to be like them.” (GW)

Adam and Eve and all who followed them have flesh and blood, but when they sinned, death began to reign instead of life. They were separated from God where they should have been in fellowship with Him.

In order to set this condition of man aright, Jesus came down to earth in the form of man by taking on flesh and blood. Christmas day was not the time when Jesus came into being, for He was there even before the creation of the world, the Alpha and Omega who has no beginning or end, but it was that time when He was manifested in bodily form. Though we may celebrate in remembrance the day that Jesus came down to the earth as a baby, we must not fail to recognize that He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the one who was from the beginning, who is coming back to judge each one of us.

Paul writing to the Philippian Church says it this way, Philippians 2:7, “Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant. He became like a human being and appeared in human likeness.” (GNB)

Jesus emptied Himself, gave up all His position, the glory that was due Him, took the form of a servant and became like a human being for the one purpose that man might be restored to the original place that God had planned for Him at the beginning of creation. He came as an obedient son, only to fulfill His Father’s will on earth.

We read in 1 Corinthians 15:45, “The first man, Adam was created a living being”; but the last Adam is the life-giving Spirit.” (GNB)

Paul explains this precisely that Adam who was the first created man was a living being, while Jesus who is the second Adam, became a life-giving Spirit, because in the spirit was the first separation which Jesus came to restore.

In Romans 5:19And just as all people were made sinners as the result of the disobedience of one man, in the same way they will all be put right with God as the result of the obedience of the one man. (GNB)

Adam’s disobedience resulted in all of mankind becoming sinners, resulting in death (separation from God), but the total obedience of Jesus to the point of death on the cross, resulted in life (brought us close to God) that is eternal. As God is one of justice, He could not ignore sin, which was why He took on Himself the punishment for the sins of all mankind, led a sinless life, endured spiritual and physical death, thereby becoming our Redeemer and Saviour.

Jesus experienced both spiritual death and physical death

We read in Philippians 2:8,“He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death- his death on the cross.” (GNB)

We read Matthew 27:46, “And about the ninth hour Jesus gave a loud cry, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why are you turned away from me? (BBE), signifying His spiritual death when He was separated from God the Father, as He bore the sins of the whole world.”

And in Matthew 27:50, “Then Jesus loudly cried out once again and gave up his life.” (GW), where He also experienced physical death, when He gave up His ghost and died physically.

Many people are living a beastly life simply because they are spiritually dead. When God made man, He made him with body, soul and spirit. But when the spirit of a man is dead, he is reduced to living and behaving like an animal.

The key of death are in Jesus’ hands

When Jesus died on the cross this is what happened. We read in Matthew 27:51, “Suddenly, the curtain in the temple was split in two from top to bottom.” (GW)

Acts 2:24....for death could not keep Him in its grip. (NLT)

When Jesus died on the cross as the sinless Lamb of God, He made His way into the most holy place, and that is why the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Jesus was sinless, and therefore death could not hold Him. He rose victorious over death, and thereby the keys to death are now passed on into the hands of Jesus.

That is why we read in 1 Corinthians 15:55"Where, Death, is your victory? Where, Death, is your power to hurt?"(GNB)

The assurance that Jesus gives us is that there is absolutely no need for us to fear death, for He has overcome death and the grave. It cost Jesus His life when He willingly humbled Himself to die for our sins, but, He came forth victorious to hold the keys of death in His hands. Satan now has no power or authority over death. Our day of birth and day of death are in the Lord’s hands, and we do not have any reason to fear death anymore. For those who have committed their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, there is the absolute assurance that He is with us and there is nothing that we should fear anymore. If we have been tossed by all sorts of fears, fear of situations, things or people, let us be confident to know that God is in control and we are safe and secure in His hands.

Br. Dixon

Transcribed by Sis. Esther Collins

Watch the tamil message on youtube :

Monday, February 10, 2020

Chapter 37 - Difference between the right and the left

Freedom from Captivity 

Chapter 37 

Difference between the Right and Left 

I want to begin by sharing a testimony from last week. For the past two years, a family from another district have been regularly listening to the messages that were shared on social media. They called in to tell me that as result of this, their entire family had committed their lives to Jesus, and I had the blessed privilege to minister to this family last week. Every time I wonder if it is necessary to use social media to share the worship and messages, the Lord confirms this through some testimony to attest and encourage me. Let me encourage all of you that as long as we in obedience to the will of God, do all that the Lord desires to accomplish through us, He will certainly fulfill all of His plans through us, and no one can hinder it.

Put childish ways aside and grow in maturity

We read in Jonah 4:11, “Shouldn't I feel sorry for this important city, Nineveh? It has more than 120,000 people in it as well as many animals. These people couldn't tell their right hand from their left." (GW)

These are the words that God spoke to Jonah when he was disheartened that the Lord did not destroy the city of Nineveh, but relented when the people repented, and spared them from His great wrath. God’s reply to Jonah was that His heart was moved with compassion for the great city of Nineveh had more than 1,20,000 people as well as animals, and also for the fact that the people who lived there couldn’t tell their right hand from their left.
All of us as adults know the difference between our right hand and left, but it is generally very young children who can’t tell the difference. You might have noticed how when a parent asks their toddler to shake hands with someone, they will often stretch out their left hand, and then the parent will correct the child encouraging him or her to extend their right hand instead. The same child when they are a little grown up need not be told which hand to extend to someone while greeting them. This maturity comes with age, and the child on growing up has learnt to decipher between their right hand and their left.

The God who felt sorry for the people of Nineveh, is the same God who sympathizes with us and has pity on us. When Jesus stood at the tomb of Lazarus, He knew that He would raise Lazarus from the dead, yet, He sympathized with those around, was moved with compassion and wept. The assurance we have is that we have a God who understands our deepest emotions, and can feel for us. We often complain that people have not understood or sometimes misunderstood us, instead let us decide to take all our woes to God, and pour out our hearts to Him for He alone fully comprehends all that we are going through. Sometimes we make the mistake of pouring out our hearts to others, only to find that they often have betrayed our trust, and misrepresented our situations to others.

God is calling us to not be like children who cannot decipher between their right hand and left, but grow in maturity and in our walk with the Lord.

1. Grow up and leave your childish ways  · Guard your speech

We read in 1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I no longer used childish ways.” (GW)

All of us were little children at one time when we spoke, thought and reasoned childishly. Little children are generally finicky and constantly complain about others. The reason is because children usually are attention seeking, and wish to be in the spotlight the whole time. Our children as infants may babble, and we enjoy the fact that they are trying to speak, but, as they grow up we expect them to speak intelligibly, and will not encourage baby talk which would be inappropriate.

However, sadly there are those who in their spiritual walk are still like babies, and have not sought to mature in their speech, thoughts or reasoning. Our maturity in the Lord will be evident only when our speech is seasoned, our words bless others, and comfort those who are in grief. Our thoughts must mature and we must be those who discern everything that is being shared with us. Sometimes, we associate with the wrong people who when they gain entry into our lives or families cause division and discord. Our growth in our spiritual walk must enable us to discern those who are filled with the Spirit of God, and those who are not. When a man of God enters our home there will be peace and unity, not division and discord. Let us wait on the Lord, meditate on His word, and earnestly desire to have our minds broadened. The verse is clear that when we become adults, we must set aside every form of childish ways (speech, thought or reasoning) from our lives. These childish ways don’t go away on their own, but we have to deliberately choose to cast them aside.

We read in Matthew 12:36,"I can guarantee that on judgment day people will have to give an account of every careless word they say.” (GW)

The Lord cautions us that on the day of judgement we will have to give an account for every careless word we speak. Our words must bless others, benefit others, and must bring peace and healing to situations where there is chaos and disunity. Let us not be childish, that when hurt by someone, we carry those bitter feelings and share them with others, thereby, spreading hatred and animosity towards each other.

We read in Ecclesiastes 10:2, “A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. (ASV)

The Lord is teaching us that a wise person’s heart will lead him in the right way whereas the heart of a fool will lead him in the wrong way. A wise man and foolish man are contrary to each other, and we will consider how the word of God defines them.

We read in Proverbs 14:16, “A wise person is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is careless and overconfident.” (GW)

Wisdom and foolishness are paradoxical, and one can either be wise or foolish. A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil because he has the fear of God. That is why the word of God says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A foolish man on the other hand is negligent and presumptuous, only because he does not revere or fear the Lord as He should. From comparing the above mentioned verses we may conclude that a wise man stands on the right hand side, and the foolish man on the left hand side.

When a person lives with that kind of fear for the Lord, they will be cautious what they speak no matter where they are, or irrespective of whether anyone is around or not. We must analyze ourselves to check if we are wise, avoiding every form of evil and living in obedience to the Lord.

· Guard your deeds

We read in 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by him. We will each receive what we deserve, according to everything we have done, good or bad, in our bodily life.” (GNB)

Here the word of God exhorts us that when we stand before the judgement seat of Christ, all of us will certainly have to give an account for all of our deeds, both good and evil that were done while we were lived here on earth.

2. Turn away from evil and do good

We read in Matthew 27:38, “At that time they crucified two criminals with him, one on his right and the other on his left.”(GW)

In Luke 23:39, “One of the criminals hanging there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!" (GNB)

In Luke 23:42 we read, And he said to Jesus, "Remember me, Jesus, when you come as King!" (GNB)

Of the two criminals who hung on the cross, on either side of Jesus, one of them mocked Him and said, ‘if you are the Christ, save yourself and us.’ This man challenged Jesus just like Satan did in Matthew 4, when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness by questioning His very identity, saying to Him ‘if you are the son of God’ then prove it, while Jesus had absolutely no need to prove who He really was. The other criminal on the other hand acknowledge who Jesus was, and even in His agony realized that Jesus was Lord and king. He also appealed to Jesus to have mercy on Him, and by so doing received the grace of God, being assured by Jesus of a place in paradise. I am led to think this man must have been on the right hand side of Jesus, for He found favor with Him.

Many people go to Jesus for their own personal gain, wishing to be delivered from their problems and hardships. There are others who think they can challenge God to have their prayers answered, failing to realize that He is Almighty, we mere mortals, and hence He will not answer such prayers. This kind of confrontation has its roots from the evil one, and one should be extremely discreet about this.

3. Stop using God for your own advantage

· The final separation

We read Matthew 25:31-33, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all his angels are with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. The people of every nation will be gathered in front of him. He will separate them as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right but the goats on his left.” (GW)

This passage mentioned above, describes that final judgement day, when the Son of Man will come in all His glory, with all His angels, and sit on the glorious throne to judge all the people of the earth. He then separates them as a shepherd would separate his sheep from his goats. He segregates them gathering the sheep on His right, and the goats on His left.

All of us are going to be part of this great gathering who stand before the Son of Man. It would be a day of reckoning when the Lord will segregate people to His right and left. Those who cannot discern between their right hand and left, are those who are oblivious to this impending judgement. We are a blessed people because the Lord has forewarned us of what is to come. If we can comprehend this truth, we will most certainly set things right in our lives.

We read in Matthew 25:34, “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, my Father has blessed you! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.” (GW)

To the ones on His right, He welcomes them to come and inherit the kingdom that was prepared for them from the creation of the world. These on His right hand side Jesus refers to as the ones who are blessed by the Father. The same Heavenly Father who approved of Jesus when He came out of the waters of baptism and declared, ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’

The ones on the right are those who cast aside their childish way of speaking, feeling and thinking. They are those who have turned away from evil to decided do good. They are also those who do not use God for their own advantage, but rather led a life that was a blessing to others.

We read further in Matthew 25:41, “Then the king will say to those on his left, ‘Get away from me! God has cursed you! Go into everlasting fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels!(GW)

To the ones on His left, he commands them to get away from Him, for they were the ones whom God had cursed. Their destination was into the eternal hell fire that was originally prepared for the devil and his angels.

What made the difference between those on the right and the left was that the ones on the right were blessed, and the ones on the left were cursed. The reason was the ones on the left were immature and childish who could not discern their right hand from their left. The Lord can perceive all about us, and there is no place for hypocrisy or a form of godliness before God, for everything will all be revealed and laid bare on that day. We must shun a life of dichotomy, and instead desire to lead a godly life, totally pleasing to the Lord.

The kingdom of God is prepared even before the creation of the world for those who walk with the Lord; it is a place of eternal joy, peace, blessing, health, where Christ will rule and reign as King forever. To the ones who are on the left, the Lord destines them to hell, which is a place of eternal torment, prepared only for the devil and his angels. We are called to grow in maturity and know the difference between our right hand and left so we too can be partakers of the eternal kingdom and live in God’s presence forever.

With our mouth we can like those two criminals either confess Jesus to be our Lord, and thereby secure for ourselves a place with Him in the kingdom of God, or we can like the other criminal on the left deny Him, challenge Him foolishly, ending up in eternal destruction. It is up to us to decide if we want to be on the right or the left, but must be cautioned that there is no middle ground. Let us choose to be those who are blessed by God, who hear His word, repent, walk in His ways, get baptized and live a life that is totally pleasing to the Lord in every way. May the Lord help us to guard our words, and our actions, so that we too can be part of that glorious and eternal kingdom that the Lord has prepared for all who are His children.

Br. Dixon

Transcribed by Sis. Esther Collins

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Chapter 36 - The bondage breaker

Freedom from Captivity 

Chapter 36 

The Bondage Breaker 

We read in 2 Peter 2:19, “for we are slaves of anything that has conquered us.” (GNB)

The above mentioned verse endorses the truth that a person becomes a slave to something, when they are overpowered by it. For instance, a person who is addicted to alcohol, may realize that the habit affects his family, and might even take great efforts to quit the addiction, but is so often unable to do so because the habit has subdued him.

We read in Titus 2:3, “In the same way instruct the older women to behave as women should who live a holy life. They must not be slanderers or slaves to wine…” (GNT)

In this verse the admonition is for those who are slaves to wine, and strangely in this context this is directed towards women. Surprising as it may sound, women being addicted to alcohol is not something that is new only to our day and age, but was a problem of the early church days as well. The addiction to wine is applicable therefore, to both men and women, but the point is that when a person is overcome by the addiction, they are unable to break away from the habit.

In Titus 3:3, we read, “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, and wrong. We were slaves to passions and pleasures of all kinds. We spent our lives in malice and envy; others hated us and we hated them.” (GNT)

Here Paul refers to various other things that people can be in bondage to like, passions (lusts), pleasures, malice, envy and hatred. Speaking of lust and pleasure, there are so many, even so-called believers who are enslaved by the addiction to pornographic material which is readily available on the internet.

Hebrews 2:15 says, “and in this way set free those who were slaves all their lives because of their fear of death.” (GNT)

Then there are those as mentioned in the above verse who live in constant fear of death. We must remind ourselves from the word of God that those who die in the Lord, will live forever with God in His holy presence. This fear grips those who have not understood that death is just the passing on from our earthly life, onto a heavenly one.

Have you noticed how when someone is addicted to a habit, people start referring to them by that name, for instance a person who becomes addicted to alcohol is referred to as an alcoholic, a promiscuous person as an adulterer and a person who is in constant fear as a fearful person.

We read in Romans 6:16,“Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey...” (ISV)

This kind of bondage as mentioned in Romans 6:16, are of those who of their own accord become enslaved to something. These are those who chose to voluntarily be enslaved by certain habits.

In Galatians 4:3, we read, “while we were children, we were slaves to the basic principles of the world.” (ISV) Describes those who are in bondage to the basic principles of the world.

In Galatians 4:8, Paul mentions, “However, in the past, when you did not know God, you were slaves to things that are not really gods at all.” (ISV) Characterizes those who served and sought after things which were by nature not gods at all.

In I Corinthians 7:23, we read, “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.” (KJV)

Paul exhorts the church at Corinth, that they should not be slaves to men. When someone becomes a slave of men, they will not be able to think and operate on their own, but will be controlled by the person to whom they have been enslaved.

So being in bondage can be of two kinds; one where the person is overcome by the habit and the other where one willingly chooses to get enslaved to any sinful habit. Both of these need deliverance, and we will study the word to see how one can be set totally free from every form of enslavement.

How can a person be set free from bondage?  Accept that you are in bondage 

In John 8:32 -33, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. We are the descendants of Abraham,” they answered, “and we have never been anybody's slaves. What do you mean, then, by saying, 'You will be free'?" (GNB)

When Jesus told the Jews that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free they took offence at His saying. They retorted that they were children of Abraham, and were therefore slaves to nobody. They forgot their history that they were in bondage to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for more than four hundred years. Interestingly as they dialogued with Jesus, at that very point they were under the Roman rule and in bondage to them.

Many people are not even aware that they are in bondage and are unwilling to accept this fact. The first step is therefore a vital one where one takes stock of their lives and consider all those areas that they are in bondage to, where they need liberation.

Know the truth and the truth will set you free
We read in John 8:34, Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of sin. (GNB)

Jesus told them plainly that whoever sins, becomes a slave to sin. As the Jews talked about their physical realm and were categorical that they were slaves to no one, Jesus reiterated that their souls were in enslavement to sin.

It is only when one comes to comprehend who Jesus truly is and of all that He has done for us, will be able to break free from every form of bondage.

The woman caught in adultery

We read in John 8:2,“Early the next morning he went back to the Temple. All the people gathered around him, and he sat down and began to teach them.”

In John 8:59, “Then they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and left the temple.” (GNB)

Jesus was at the temple early in the morning and was teaching people who had gathered there. Jesus referred to the temple as His Father’s house, and as He taught the people who had gathered there it was unfortunate that many were unable to accept His teachings. At the end of the passage we find that the people who had heard all of His teachings, actually picked up stones to throw at Jesus.

Even today one of the main purposes of the church meeting together is that the word of God be taught to the people. My premise is that even today if Jesus were to come into the church, many will pick up stones to throw at Him, because His teaching will be in total contradiction to their life style. We may be in church and listen to the word of God, but we are to be greatly pitied if after having heard all of it, we still have in our hand stones that are aimed at Jesus, hindering Him from coming to rule in our hearts and our homes.

Where did these stones come from?

We read in John 8:4-5"Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. In our Law Moses commanded that such a woman must be stoned to death. Now, what do you say?” (GNB)

As Jesus taught early in the morning at the temple that day, there was a sudden commotion when a group of men brought to Jesus a woman who was caught in the act of adultery, and all of them carried stones in their hands. There were two groups who had assembled at the temple that day; one who eagerly wanted to hear the teaching of Jesus, and the other who came in just to condemn the woman, and have her stoned. The man who was guilty was let off, though the law demanded that they both be brought to justice.

Many people are hesitant to come to church because they are looked down upon by those inside the church. We must remind ourselves that the church is for such sinners who need transformation, and none of us have a right to judge or condemn anyone. Jesus came into the world to save those struggling with sin, and to bring about radical transformation in their lives. All man’s righteousness is like filthy rags, and we should never expect justice from unrighteous men. For those who are hurt because of accusations that were made against them, the Lord encourages them to run this race looking only unto Jesus.

Man is undependable and the same person who speaks well of us, will put us down some time later. If we were to take heed to all that is being said about us, we would probably never move forward in life. Reminds me of a story of a competition that was held for frogs. The contest was to see who could climb the fastest and reach the top of a very tall pole. Lots of frogs got interested to take part in this event, but most of them couldn’t even get up half way, and were constantly falling down. However, there was one frog that was unperturbed and reached the top in no time. They later discovered that the reason that frog accomplished this feat, when all other frogs were unable to do so, was that it was totally deaf. If we are to progress in life, we must move on in this race that God has set before us, comprehending God’s purposes for us and not allow the words or opinions of others to hinder our progress.

The men who brought that woman to Jesus, had already decided on the judgement, when they brought stones in their hands. They were however, in for a shock when they heard Jesus’ response to their accusations.

We read in John 8:7, As they stood there asking him questions, he straightened himself up and said to them, “Whichever one of you has committed no sin, may throw the first stone at her.”(GNB)

In John 8:10 we read, He straightened himself up and said to her, “Where are they? Is there no one left to condemn you?” (GNB)

We see the wisdom of Jesus being demonstrated so beautifully in this incident. He never told them not to throw a stone at her, but challenged them that the one who has committed no sin should be the first to throw a stone at her. Jesus knew all about the men who gathered against that woman that day, and He perceived all of their thoughts. When Jesus looked up, there was no one left of the crowd who could stand there to throw a stone at her. They came thinking that they would trap Jesus, but did not expect the turn of events as Jesus turned it against them. As the crowd left the temple that day, they dropped all the stones and walked away in haste.

Unfortunately the stones that they dropped were the ones that those who heard the teachings of Jesus, and could not accept it, picked up and wanted to stone Him with. They tried their best to obstruct Jesus, but God the Father fulfilled the plan and purpose for which Jesus came down to this earth, and no man could thwart His plans.

The next time we take a stone to throw at someone else in accusation or condemnation, it is good for us to stop, and take a check on our own lives. None of us are worthy to judge another, for that right belongs to God alone. The Lord also cautions us to not judge anything before its time. Whenever we think of aiming a stone at someone, we must remember that the Lord can and will twist things around. The Lord is there to protect those who belong to Him, and nothing that is aimed at God’s children will prosper.

1. Without Jesus no man can understand his real condition

In John 8:12, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again, “I am the light of the world,” he said. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.” (GNB)

Without the light of Jesus shining in our hearts, no one can comprehend their real condition. It is only when Jesus comes into our lives can we realize all our areas of weakness, and the kind of bondages that we are enslaved to. Apart from Him man can never grasp the helpless state that he is truly in. It is only when we turn to Jesus, allowing His light to penetrate into our lives, will He help us discover our weaknesses, and receive His strength to set them right.

For instance, for some the problem is telling lies. They have made lying such a habit that everything that comes out of their mouth is false. Some people justify their lying is harmless as it does not affect any one, but what they fail to understand is that lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, and that the Lord detests falsehood. When Jesus comes into such a person, He will convince them that lying is a sin, because He is truth and He expects truth in our inmost being.

2. Without Jesus no man can be freed from slavery to sin

We also read in John 8:34-36, Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave does not belong to a family permanently, but a son belongs there forever. If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free. (GNB)

Jesus is categorical that anyone who sins is a slave to sin. The only one who is able to deliver us is Jesus, and that is why He said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’. The reason Jesus is the exclusive way, is because He alone was the sinless son of man, who can lift us up from the mire of sin, and liberate us. Many are standing today on their own self-righteousness, and failing to recognize the fact that when we stand before God, all our righteousness are like filthy rags because the Lord knows all about us, and there is no one who is righteous in His sight. True freedom comes only from Jesus, and it is a possibility for one to live a life of freedom from every bondage.

3. Jesus is God in flesh who came to save man from sin

We read in John 8:58"I am telling you the truth," Jesus replied. "Before Abraham was born, 'I Am'." (GNB)

It is paramount that we understand who Jesus is, for only then we can revere Him as we should. In John 8:58 Jesus said, before Abraham was born, ‘I Am’ indicating that He is not a man, but God who was from the very beginning. When Jesus used the phrase ‘I Am’ the Jews were annoyed because they knew from the scriptures as to who this referred to, and were upset that Jesus made Himself equal to God.

We read in Exodus 3:14And God said to Moses, "I am that I am." And he said, "So you must say to the Israelites, 'I am sent me to you.'" (LEB)

When God met Moses at the burning bush, and instructed him to go to Egypt to deliver the Israelites, Moses was hesitant and he asked God, ‘Whom should I say sent me?’ And God replied and said to him, tell them “I am that I am” is the one who sent you. When Jesus used the same introduction for Himself, He was being emphatic to explain that He was there even before Abraham was.

As the season of Christmas is fast approaching, here’s a word of caution as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many have a faulty understanding that Jesus originated at advent, not realizing that He has no beginning or end. Still others prefer to let Jesus remain an infant, whom they can control, instead of recognizing Him as the Lord and Master of their lives. There’s so much of money being spent during this season, wherein many end up with huge loans just to get new clothes and cakes, not comprehending the meaning of all that Jesus did by His coming down to earth. Instead of spending so much of our money on meeting our personal desires, we should look for ways to bless others, and keep Jesus at the center of all the celebration. Jesus is coming again, and this time as the King of Kings to judge everyone, and it would be wise for us to discern this truth, and live our lives in obedience and reverence to Him.

It is of utmost importance to fathom who Jesus really is. He is the Son of God who has no beginning or end, who took upon Himself form of flesh, and came down as a man to lead a sinless life. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, and that is why Jesus took on human form, to be that sinless lamb, who would die on the cross as a propitiation for all of our sins. Only those who believe that Jesus died for their sins, and accept the finished work of Jesus on the cross, can be delivered from all their sins and bondages.

It was this Jesus that the people at the temple who heard His teachings, decided to stone that day. We may justify ourselves that we will never stone Jesus, but every time we follow those human traditions, go after pagan worship, and practices that are displeasing to Him, we are in a way guilty of picking up stones to throw at Jesus. Let us examine ourselves and cast aside everything that the Lord does not approve of in our lives. God desires for us to lead a life of freedom from every sinful bondage. May our bodies be the temple of the Holy Spirit, allowing the Lord to fulfill all of His plans, and His perfect will in our lives.

Br. Dixon

Transcribed by Sis. Esther Collins