Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Chapter 1 – Seek God’s glory

Freedom from captivity

Chapter 1 – Seek God’s glory

Act 11:21: “And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.” (KJV)

Most of us would like to have promises from the Lord for our personal benefit – we desire that the Lord should protect us, lift us and bless us but instead, we need to yearn for the hand of the Lord to rest on us in a powerful way, so we can lead many people into the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many people unable to experience this power of God in their lives, because they are in various kinds of bondages. Many are trying hard to give up habits that are binding them but are unable to do so.

What are the things that keep people in bondage?

Let’s study the Bible to see some of the bondages that the Bible talks about.

2 Peter 2: 19 (GNT) talks about being “slaves to destructive habits”
Many people including believers are in bondage to various habits. They are aware that these habits could destroy them, their health sometimes, their families but are unable to break free.  They try hard and make a resolve to give these up but are incapable of doing so.

Titus 3:3 (NLT) mentions those who are “slaves to many kinds of lusts and pleasures.”
A lot of people are in bondage to various kinds of lusts and pleasures.

Titus 2:3 (NIV) speaks about being “addicted to alcohol”
Today addiction to alcohol has become a huge menace in our society.  Many who are aware of its ill effects, are seriously trying to give up the habit.  They make a resolve, and even are able to break away from the habit for a while.  In a short time, they are again overwhelmed by the desire and fall back into the habit.  This can sometimes be a vicious cycle.

Galatians 6:4(ISV) speaks about being “slaves to things that are not really gods at all”

Before we knew the true and living God, many of us were enslaved to so called gods, that had nothing of the divine in them. People are sold out to some traditions that they hope will deliver them from their bondage.

1 Corinthians 7:23(BSB) speaks about being “slaves of men”
A lot of people are living in slavery to others.  A classic example of this is how some men actually immolate themselves, because their leader or hero became sick and was hospitalised. Many youth are slaves emotionally to another person so much so they can’t even think and function normally.

Romans 6:20 (NIV) speaks about those who are “slaves to sin”

Think about various other things that are also keeping people in bondage today.  Many are imprisoned to drugs, gambling, pornography, social media, love of money, cinemas, serials etc.  There are others who are slaves to anger, lies, lust and bitterness. There are many who are filled with bitterness, that they are unable and unwilling to forgive or relate to the ones who hurt them. When we give anybody or anything the place that is due to God alone, we become slaves to that thing or person, whatever that is.

So many people, including believers are trapped in some sort of bondage.  Many are in despair, because they have tried so hard, to give up and break free but are unable to do so.  There are others who have come into a personal relationship with Jesus and are still struggling with some secret sins.  They are overwhelmed by them, and are unable to confess or be rid of them as they are not sure how others will perceive what they are struggling with.

So the question is, is there hope for deliverance from bondages that have tied us down?  Here’s the good news to those who are in bondage and wondering if there is a way of escape.

When Jesus went to Nazareth His home town, he went to the synagogue and read from the Book of Isaiah as recorded in Luke 4:18,"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and the regaining of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed....” (NET)

Jesus came to break our yoke of slavery to every form of bondage. For those of us who feel, we are unable to be consistent in our walk with the Lord, and that we are continually falling into the same sin, there is the good news - Jesus is able to deliver us and set us free from all our captivity.

John 8:36says. “If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”(ASV) and that’s the greatest news for anyone who is in any kind of bondage. Jesus is truly able to set us free from every form of slavery and sin. In order to appropriate this in our life we firstly, have to accept our problem, confess it to the Lord and decide to give it up, and seek the Lord for His intervention and help.

What should be our reason to seek to come out of our Bondages.

There are several reasons why a person who is addicted or in bondage seeks to be delivered from the same.  There are sometimes serious health issues due to an addiction, financial problems, family problems, fear, anxiety and very often a deep sense of guilt which may prompt someone to try hard to give up a particular habit or an issue that is binding them.

Here’s the most important reason that we should seek to be delivered from any sort of bondage that we are in. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:31,So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God. (GW)

So whatever we are involved with in our lives, the thought that should be foremost on our minds is, does what we do bring glory to God’s name or is it in some way dishonouring Him. If in some way the things in our lives that have enslaved us are bringing dishonour to the Lord, we definitely need to get rid of them.  We need to honour God not only through our singing, praying, preaching and teaching but in every little thing that we do.

The very first line of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples in
Matthew 6:9, says, “Our Father in heaven:  May your holy name be honoured;”(GNT)

The mandate is very clear.  We need to honour God in every area of our life – our words, our relationships, the things we see and hear and do. God’s word is very clear that nothing that is defiled will ever enter into the kingdom of God.

Psalms 115:1,Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name be given glory on account of your gracious love and faithfulness.” (ISV) We need to constantly remind ourselves that we need to be free from everything that enslaves us, and live in such a way that God’s name is glorified through us.

Let’s look at a very crucial incident that took place in the life of Moses and Aaron, towards the very end of their journey with the people of Israel from Egypt into the land of Canaan.

Numbers 20:10:Then Moses and Aaron assembled the community in front of the rock and said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring water out of this rock for you?”  (GW)

Numbers 20:12:But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “You didn’t trust me! You didn’t show the Israelites how holy I am! So you will not bring this congregation into the land I’m giving them.”(GW)

The people of Israel were at the desert of Zin, and were complaining because there was no water for them or their animals.  As Moses and Aaron sought the Lord, the Lord commands Moses to go and speak to the rock, and thereby bring water for the people to quench their thirst.  Moses and Aaron were so frustrated with the people and their rebellion, that in anger, instead of speaking to the rock, he rebukes the people of Israel and then strikes the rock twice. Water did flow from the rock, and the people were satisfied that day, but Moses and Aaron had to face a serious consequence.

The Lord told them that both of them would never set foot into the promised- land, because they not only did not trust in the Lord but more importantly they failed to display God’s holiness to the people of Israel. Though they led Israel for 40 long years, one single act of disobedience and dishonour to the Lord, prevented them from entering the promise land. It is indeed a warning to us that we need to honour the Lord in every area of our life. We need to desire to be set free, and live the life of holiness that the Lord aspires for each one of us.

It is absolutely true that if Jesus sets us free, we will truly be free indeed. It doesn’t really matter how long we have lived in bondage to something, the Lord can set us free in a moment and help us live a life of freedom from every form of bondage and captivity in our lives.

A prayer :

Our heavenly Father, I want to consistently bring glory to Your holy name through all my thoughts, words and actions. Please help me overcome all of those in my life which bring dishonour to your Holy name. You have said that if the Son shall set me free, I shall be free indeed. Set me free, Lord from every bondage that is not right. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


Transcribed by : Ms. Esther Collins

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  1. Great message Andrew - thanks for sharing it. Keep up the good work. May the Lord bless your efforts.

    1. Thanks Mike for your prayers and tech support that made it possible to share God's Word.

  2. Dear self.. Greetings in the holy name of our lord & savior Jesus christ. Congrats on the blog post very informative and self explanatory narration indeed God bless. A short prayer in context to the blog topic would enhance the spiritual hunger and a satisfaction of having read a good news of deliverance with prayers.
    Wishes and Regards

    1. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have added a short prayer in the context to the blog topic as suggested by you. God bless you abundantly.
